I’m a big kid now
They grow up so fast
One day I seen my children as babies and toddlers. I let a few days lapse, and now I see them as big kids with attitudes and mannerisms of full-fledged teenagers. Daily changes are the hardest to recognize but absence allows growth to appear more evident.
I have recognized small things. One time, my daughter prepared breakfast and outlaid the husband’s and my favorite charcuteries. Another time, my four-year old son explained to me “I’m frustrated… I need to take a break my room for a few minutes.”
The process of growth was inspired for my son’s loose tooth. I began to cry because he was growing up. Then, my daughter spouted nonsense. Some kind of buffoonery about them both growing up and not needing me anymore. I am typically ecstatic about milestone accomplishments, but today I asked myself “what the heck am I supposed to do after they don’t need me.”
Myself said, “I was doing well before I had the kids, and I’ve been winging this whole parent thing only in my later years.”
I snapped out the trance and realized that the only thing I will have to do as my kids become of age is pray that my efforts in raising them transform them into great humans. Additionally, I hope that I can see them flourish and be there if they need me in the future.
Growth is a good thing. It can look like many things and is sometimes hard to see. When it happens, re-evaluate your role and keep living forward ;)